Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogging along at the Library

I suppose blogging can be used as a less formal of connecting to other library personnel--many library people, faraway library people, therefore a larger sounding board, a more "inviting" sounding board than the more formal office email. All the ideas presented, then become "food for thought" and possibly spur more "learning" and thinking outside the box for all involved. Or thinking out loud, if you will.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If your not a lifelong learner you're in the next stage of the circle of life.

Hi fellow learners and accomplished bloggers. Actually I think the said 71/2 steps that hopefully will ingrain as habits are cool. How nice it would be, if in the winter of my life I can hear myself saying "I'm going to try this, instead of "I can't", or "I'm not".